- 2020_01 Vacationing in Cuba (journal / photos / write to us )
- 2019_08 We Visit Newfoundland Again (journal, movie, photos)
- 2018_09 Karl Goes East With the Chorus (blog / photos)
- 2017_08 Gone to the Rock (blog / photos)
- 2017_06 Joanne and Ann Go West (blog / photos)
- 2016_08 Newfoundland and Stoker Bay (blog / photos)
- 2015_03 Wandering Through Florida (blog / photos)
- 2014 A Few Photos of Us (photos)
- 2014_10 The U.S. East Coast (blog / photos)
- 2014 The Cottage Treehouse Project (photos)
- 2014_04 Texas (blog / photos)
- 2013_06 The Maritimes (blog)
- 2011_06 The Rockies (blog)